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Dear Mom, it’s 2024

It’s been about 4 ½ months since I saw you.

I still often think to myself “my mom would love this”, but I catch myself before I get the words out. I guess that is a start. I know you wouldn’t want any of us to be sad. But some days, it hits me from out of the blue.

I am sure you can see from Heaven, that Milo crossed the rainbow bridge a few months ago. That little guy LOVED his Grammie.

A month ago, we adopted a new kitty. The first thing I know you would have said is “look at those eyes!”

Marco Francisco!

He’s a skittish little guy, but he is making progress in the past month since he came home. “Kitten steps” haha. They said he was 1-2 years old but he is way too rambunctious to be 2. He is still growing up and a rowdy teenager.

Molly tolerates him most of the time, except when he tries to pounce her. You would be proud of your grandkitty sticking up for herself!! It’s funny because Marco backs down like a scolded puppy. But we did catch them laying near each other, and Molly groomed him this morning.

Another success!

It felt so amazing to rescue him from the animal control. He is very curious and very talkative. He also is silly and makes us smile.

You would enjoy talking about the weather we’ve been having. Every few days is a weird wind storm with deluges of rain and one real snowfall. It melted next day but it was pretty. I do miss sending you pics.

Marco napping after watching the snow fall

We missed you over the holidays. But we were able to all come together for Thanksgiving at S&D’s house, and brunch on Christmas Eve in Wallyworld.

Of course, we missed your stuffing, and Christmas cookie extravaganza!! Nobody makes them like you do.

Well it’s now 2024 and there are so many other things I want to tell you. I hope that somehow, you can hear me or my guardian angels can pass it along.

We love you and hope you are at peace and with the twins, daddy, and everyone else in Heaven. I love you and miss you. (And if you are able, I’d love to see you in my dreams!)

All my love, your youngest and coolest daughter❤️

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